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1 in 2 heart attacks & strokes are linked to high blood pressure.

Check your blood pressure
to know your numbers.

Health check hero

Do you want to improve employee health and wellbeing?

Register for our FREE Work Well Live Well programme.

Make a Donation

Is this a monthly or one-off donation?

How much would you like to give?

£10 can help pay for physical therapy equipment to be used during our PREP stroke rehab sessions.
£15 £15 will fund the cost of an introductory call with a new patient to assess their individual need and develop a personalised package of support.
£15 will help deliver one of our Walking Groups, helping people living with a chest, heart or stroke illness to regain confidence and connect with others.
£20 will help pay for a neuro/physiotherapist to teach muscle strengthening exercises to stroke survivors, helping them regain mobility and independence.
£40 £40 will enable us us to run an online choir for 30 respiratory patients which helps reduce isolation, boost mental health and builds lung capacity.
£50 will help pay for a clinical researcher’s time, working to advance how we prevent, treat and care for chest, heart and stroke illnesses.

Choose your own donation amount

How much would you like to give?

£5 could help pay for a neuro-physio to attend our PREP rehab programme, supporting stroke survivors regain mobility, independence and confidence.
£10 could pay for 5 people and their families to receive a home visit from our Family Support Co-ordinators in the aftermath of a devestating diagnosis.
£20 could fund a researcher for a full day, working to advance how we prevent, treat and care for chest, heart and stroke illnesses.
£25 A regular donation will help us plan for the future and support chest, heart & stroke survivors & their families across Northern Ireland

Choose your own recurring donation amount